User goals: To discover editorial content and product recommendations to each user’s individual brand, category, size, price and stylistic preferences.
Business goals: To raise the conversion rate and test inline shoppability for customers who have entered through the home page. Traffic is high for web: 50% of users complete their purchases via desktop web, with 62% of users selecting home page editorially-driven promos.
Timeline: 2.5 months
During February and March '20, I created visuals and UI solutions for the MySaks home page. Collaborated with the Lead UX Designer and Research to assess user feedback, data, presented our prototypes to key stakeholders.
I created medium-fidelity wires, user flows and test scripts. Testing was done remotely, moderated by our in-house researcher. The new site launched September '20.
He loves to dress well, but finds that most department stores cater to female clientelle.David's income is $186K, and is not married. He purchases gifts for his sister, is a SaksFirst member, but does not have VIP status. He purchases up to 5 high-end pieces per year.
Frequent spender & engaged across Omnichannel, using ASOS and Trunk Club. She is married with 2 children, with an income of $215k.She has a SaksFirst membership and VIP status. She purchases 2 high-end pieces per month.
Users expressing have content tailored towards their gender identity.
65% of our users explore fashion options via Instagram, with 34% following beauty and fashion influencers.
50% of users complete their purchases via desktop web, with the possibility that the current app experience is lacking.
Customers are looking for product recommendations to each user’s individual brand, category, size, price and stylistic preference.
We offered personalized content, based on passive browsing. If customers select certain colors, products, styles, sizes, etc., (based on our product matrix) they would be presented with items they might be interested in purchasing the next time they enter the site.