User goals: NOGGIN was a Nick Jr. network, which took another form via a subscription-based app. Parents were unsubscribing from the commercial-free app, as it took up too much space on their device. Their main goal was to have safe education-based entertainment for their children.
Business goals: The preschool app needed to be refactored, recoded and designed for the next rollout so that we could introduce interactive Play Along videos in the next phase.
Timeline: 2 months
Worked with iOS UX Lead and Lead Engineer to simplify the UI, image usage, also redesigned features and animations.
The app was changed from landscape to portrait, which was how the majority of our users held their devices. 16% of NOGGIN users have clicked through to the App store since the marketing site redesign.
Success metrics: Month-on-month increase of subscriptions.
Max has a good deal of energy, loves to play music, to draw and paint. His parents are busy professionals, and they want him to steer clear of commercials.His parents let Max spend many hours watching TV on weekends.
Lilly reads often, and her parents are careful about limiting her screen time.She thinks of characters in her favorite shows as her friends. She likes to watch shows on her Mom's iPhone and uses her sister's iPad when she is allowed.
Assets are shared on the main page with the property page header, so the user loads one image.